Market Pulp Monthly

Review of recent global pulp market prices, supply and demand by major region and grade : Bleached Hardwood Kraft (BHK), Bleached Softwood Kraft (BSK), Fluff Pulp, BCTMP and textile-grade Dissolving Pulp. Report also includes a summary of pulp market demand, capacity and pricing outlook along with FX commentary, tables and charts. Released around mid-month. Accessible on the website and via the TTOBMA app.

Pulp and Paper Market Intelligence report - Price, Supply and Demand
Pulp and Paper Market Intelligence report - Price, Supply and Demand


TTO price charts
Covers all major grades.
Future pulp supply timeline
Pulp pricing outlook
FX data

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Pulp and Paper Market Intelligence report - Price, Supply and Demand


Includes charts and commentary on the most recent TTO price indices, planned and unplanned pulp downtime, major pulp capacity changes next 5 years, as well as pulp demand and pricing trends for all major grades, logistics conditions and relevant FX rates.


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